Happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is a state of mind.
So is sadness.
Anger is a state of mind.
So is equanimity.
State of mind, chosen or not is still a state of mind.
Love has many meanings in our language.
Love can be a state of mind.
Love perfects the mind.
A state of mind implies free will, yet some may have the inability to choose.
Life (all of existence) is perpetual motion.
This motion forms my idea of God/Love.
Love is why/how we exist.
We ARE love/loved.
We are love manifested.
Love manifested means we have the ability to create (destroying is creating also).
All life is perpetual motion and is creating/destroying constantly.
The opposite of God would be evil.
The opposite of Love is fear.
If God is Love and God/Love is all things in existence, than the opposite of all things is nothing. Nothing is nothing, so God/Love can have no opposite.
Individual things CAN have opposites. Individual people can be love or fear. Individuals are STILL part of all things and are always loved.
Individuals though always loved may not choose love.
What about angels? Can angels, being individuals have opposites?
We have a choice between a good or evil state of mind, though some may not realize it, or might even think that we do not.
If we really are connected to each other and all things than do we always have a choice?
The fact that we are all connected does not mean that we have no choice, however it does mean that we are affected by the choice of others.
The important part here, is that we are connected to all things, so we are connected to God/Love all of the time, and forever.