No self?
No self? What does that mean?
Karmic seeds? What exactly are they?
I can relate to the idea of a self or ego that is constructed from the time of birth until the time of death. I can also relate to the body that we call ourselves changing dramatically from the time of birth until death and even after. I can relate to the way an ego can change dramatically or de-construct when it is shown by circumstances to be in error.
We all share cause and effect; i.e., our bodies and our egos.
The consciousness that all of creation seems to share appears to be free of a single ego or body and is instead shared universally.
Part of what our self or mind/ego creates maybe can be thought of as karmic seeds.
Karmic seeds might be thought of as creating virtue, non-virtue, or even no-virtue. (No-virtue being neither virtue nor non-virtue) Anger, which is constructed out of that person’s ego fear, creates a non-virtuous thought that is shared by the universal consciousness either by being communicated verbally or even non-verbally.
How does this non-virtuous thought or karmic seed get carried from one lifetime to another?
It is easy to see how a non-virtuous deed can be passed from one individual to another. It is easy to see that non-virtuous deeds can last many years beyond ones lifetime. It is easy to see how these deeds could affect anyone in the next life.
What is not so easy to see, is how non-virtue is retained by a person into the next life in an absolute way.
In a way we seem to be a part of a universal mind that would be like a constant flowing river, and we define ourselves as ripples in the water or karmic patterns which carry us into the next life, effect the rest of the river, but are by no means permanent.
Once we learn constant virtue we may calm our ripples and just be a continuously flowing smooth part of the stream.