Clarity seeing and awareness

I wonder about the Chinese yin and yang.
It may have more meaning than I ever thought.
It may also have the meaning of emptiness.
It seems that everything has an opposite.
Even everything has nothing as an opposite.
It seems as if an opposite is a requirement of existence.
Existence has the opposite of non-existence.
These opposites might be said to be cause and effect.
A cause must have an effect and an effect must have a cause.
The opposite of light seems to be dark.
What is dark?
Is dark nothing?
Light’s opposite isn’t nothing. At least not in language.
Is dark really something?
It seems that nothingness is necessary in order to have something.
So what good can come from opposites thinking?
Maybe the idea of any and all things including nothingness are empty of an intrinsic existence. They are at least empty of any kind of idea that anything is without cause and effect
There is a consciousness and its opposite is unconsciousness.
Taking it a little further language wise; there is clarity and non-clarity, seeing and not seeing, awareness and delusion.
It seems like all of these opposites are a choice that exists in our minds.
Without opposites like something and nothing, there are no choices.
Since we can choose at this point, I choose consciousness, clarity, seeing, and awareness. Mindfulness.