Go with the flow
When I was a kid, and also well into adulthood, I used to take pride in my ability to navigate through a large crowd. I was always thin and agile, and being a skateboarder, well coordinated. I had quick eyes, and would pay close attention to many people at one time. I used my agility, concentration, and sharp vision to slide through the crowds of downtown Manhattan, and other large cities, as well as crowded stadiums, and rock concerts. I felt this a skill, and considered it “going with the flow”.
It is silly to be proud thinking; “I did it myself”. Pride works best with transparency and the observation of one universal rule: “No one is an island”. Nothing is accomplished in a vacuum and all-things co-exist effecting all-things.
I started with an analogy, because I believe “going with the flow” can be thought of as an important mindfulness practice for every day existence.
As I believe all things co-exist, and all things are on an ever-changing path, then we are in a constant sort of flow! Stay agile, and concentrate with a “quick eye” and “notice” where you are going. “Notice” where your feet are, notice where you are in relation to other things, and others. Be thoughtful, of the possibility, that you might “not” have noticed where you were going, and may “not” even be aware of your honest motivation.
Not just our physical bodies, but also our soul should be “going with the flow”. We may be talking with one person and our soul may be interacting with another person or be many miles away.
“Going with the flow” involves being constantly mindful of the soul and body in a coordinated effort. Many professional athletes, musicians, (these being easily visible) are constantly being mindful, (soul and body coordinated) when they are at the top of their game. Easily, in all activities including everyday work can mindfulness practice be achieved. Activities always “flow” more pleasantly, (or at least with maximum efficiency) when ones mind is fully engaged in the mindful activity of soul and body!