Where did we come from?
Q: Where did we come from; meaning our life/soul?
A: Something cannot come from nothing. Nothing can come from nothing. So we came from something.
Q: If we came from something, than where did something come from?
A: Not from nothing! Something always comes from something.
Q: So this something: What is it, if it is not nothing?
A: This “something” is different, anywhere you look, always has been, always will be, and always changing.
Q: How can this be?
A: Everything has a cause. Every cause has an effect.
Q: Are causes and effect random occurrences?
A: They only seem to be random because we do not know the cause and effect of all occurrences.
Every cause has an effect, we just don’t necessarily know the effect, and also we don’t necessarily know the cause of an effect.
Sometimes an effect seems apparent, but even something seemingly apparent is not static and subject to change according to the law of cause and effect.
Q: What law?
A: There is no REAL law. These are just words to attempt to describe something in simple terms, that otherwise may be indescribable with words.
There IS of course Newtons third law of motion. This law is about cause and effect, but doesn’t attempt to describe where it came from.
Now it should seem plain that “cause” and “effect” HAD to come from something. “Something” being many, many causes and effects and indescribable.
Q: How does this help me?
A: We are PART of cause and effect! Not only are we an effect, but we are a cause! It cannot be otherwise! Cause cannot be without an effect, and effect cannot be without a cause.
Q: So; How does this help me again?
A: Since we are both cause and effect, AND we desire to be “helped” as you put it; than wouldn’t it make sense to be careful what you cause?
Q: But: If I am part of the effect, (and it seems that I must be) than how can I help what I cause? Aren’t I destined to “cause” things that have undesirable effects, since I don’t KNOW the outcomes? You said that outcomes are always changing!
A: It is true that outcomes are always changing, AND you may not always achieve the desired effect, since everything including others like you are effecting outcomes simultaneously.
YOU are the one that said that YOU want to be helped! I am assuming, “helped” means that you want to be happy, is this what you meant?
Q: Well: Yeah.
A: Okay then.
A: Is that it?
Q: Well: There are a lot of problems in the world and I would like to see everyone be happy.
A: So, go out and “cause” happiness!
Q: Hmmm……