Wisdom probably is mostly thought of as results based

Wisdom probably is mostly thought of as results based. Cause and effect if you will. Which came first, cause or effect? That’s almost like the chicken and the egg.

If our (wisdom) energies, which are caused by wisdom, have been around forever, then there is no first (or beginning).

If an effect by definition has to come after the cause, then cause comes first.

So wisdom might be thought of by a lot of people as: (To know the effect (results) before any action is taken (cause)). This is assuming action is physical and not mental. I am sure cause can be, and probably mostly is, mental energies. I believe the mental energies can and are tapped into by all of us. These unlimited mental energies form all of existence, and I believe are wisdom itself. So, is to make a wise choice, to know the outcome? How can we know the outcome? History? Personal experience? Just plain smart? Common sense? People are used to weighing the odds to “hopefully” get results. I believe true wisdom results are not directly known. Results may take many lifetimes and never be recorded. It seems the best one can do is “learn ones own mind” and to use it to tap into the wisdom energies. These energies guide all of existence throughout eternity. Expect wisdom, but don’t try to add up the numbers into results. The (results) might be compared to (the path). The universe has no beginning and no end, only a path. Infinite numbers to “add up” must be as complicated as no beginning and no ending.

Definite results (wisdom/effect/results) are infinite just like the path.

So do we stop trying to achieve through wisdom? I don’t think so. I think we should always try. Expectations are optional. Similarly, can we stop being on the path? I don’t think so. We can physically move in any direction and mentally move in any direction, but we are infinitely on the path.

So wisdom is always accessible from the path and indeed is inseparable (from the path). All existence is inseparable.

We can try to stop accessing wisdom from the path, but why would we want to do that?

I think many people want definitive answers. I don’t have them, and I think that it may not be possible to have them. (At least while we are (attached) to the idea of separateness). I think we wanted to attach to this body and experience all of the things and attachments that go with that, and we are. Compassion may be found by realizing everybody wanted the same attachment to allow for separate experiences. Recognizing our commonalities. Recognizing, “it could be me”. Recognizing that, “it is me”.

I believe compassion allows direct access to wisdom. If wisdom is from the oneness, or the energies of all of the universe that form all matter, than realizing compassion is realizing oneness, the oneness being wisdom.