
One out of every two marrages in the US end in divorce. Why?

Acceptance. More women can make it on there own. Decline in morals, such as: people having affairs. A lack of closness in todays familys. A society that has become lazy. (Our parents felt like they relied upon one another.) (It was them against the world.) The sexual revolution has most people feeling it is okay to have sex before marrage, which may cause a person to bond with another person, before they even know each other. Television reinforces people into thinking everyone (does it.) Young peoples role models tend to be musicians and actors, and although this groups attitudes can be said to reflect societys, I believe society is infinitly more seduced by this group. People adapt to change very readily. Young people especially. This allows these attitudes to feed on themselves. In other words. The more we see the more we get used to. Of course our kids will tend to stray or (test the limits even more than we did.) So not only do we make matters worse ourselves, our kids will surely take it further. Actually the steady moral decay in our society has progressed further than I would have thought in my last twenty years. I’m sure our parents were alarmed, and i’m sure our kids will be even more alarmed. This decline in lasting marrages hasn’t been a constant though and is increasing in speed. Should we not worry though? How do we bring about change? Is the end of marrages near? Is God the only one who can help us? I believe God has given us brains to use. I’m not sure how fast were using them though. I do believe societys attitudes can and do swing like a pendulum. I believe if society thinks it is to their advantage to remain faithfull then they will remain faithful.