Movie violence
Movie violence; we love it, we buy it! What is movie violence? Is it the drug dealer “paying dearly for his bad dealings? Is it aliens being blasted to smithereens by the intergalactic agency, or is it violence only when the “good people” are unnecessarily violated? Violence is violence, read on!
We love movie violence! Next to sex it is the most sought after movie titles. Turn on the TV and count the percentage of violent channels. Look in the video stores. Check out the ratings.
We buy it! If we didn’t, it wouldn’t be rated number two. Look at our home video libraries. We all saw the titanic. This violence is bought and paid for by us!
Violence entertains us. We are shocked by the cold deliberate gunshot wound to the head. We are disgusted by the loonytune with the chainsaw. We laugh when the bad guy “gets his”. We are saddened when the good people die young.
Violence is violence, plain and simple. So whats wrong with that? Our mind works much like a computer. Simply put; bad data in, bad data out.