Osama (to the tune of Volare with apologies) 9 Oct 01

Osama, Oh Oh

Bin Laden, Oh Oh Oh Oh

You’re a sick and cowardly man

Your hide out is Afghanistan

Osama, Oh Oh

Your Taliban, has got to go

Osama were going to get you

With bombs, and cruise missiles too

We will flush you out of your cave

The craters we’ll use for your grave

If it takes our ground forces too

A bullet we have just for you

Osama, Oh Oh

Your Mama, she’ll miss you so

Twin Towers, the Pentagon too

Pennsylvania, our Heroes foiled you

The Cole and the Embassies done

Your days numbered and you’re on the run

You have struck at the worlds Liberty

We’ll have Justice for all people that are Free

Osama, Oh Oh

Your Jihad, is not going to go

Your public, enemy one

So sorry, to spoil your fun

If we catch you alive and still wary

Not to worry its just temporary.

The earth will gag on your flesh

When your dead we still will not rest

Osama, Oh Oh

Al Qaeda never will know

Other terrorists will die with you too

Our U.S. wont rest till we’re through

You see our Freedom that we hold so dear

Is our most valuable asset Not Fear

Osama, too bad for you

Our Freedom is going to kill you