Be Real
This relativity thing, Einstien and all that; is everything relative? What is it all about? Does it really matter?
Well, in the first place everything is not relative. “If everything were relative there would be nothing for it to be relative to.”* Einstein’s theory was not at all to prove everything relative; on the contrary the point of his doctrine was to eliminate any subjectivity when it came to proving the existence, or non-existence of anything.
I do not know the entire theory of relativity. Einstien was a genius. His theories about the earth and the heavens, space/time, laws of gravitation, the expanding universe, matter, and the velocity of light are relevant, indispensable to today’s physicists who debate very little of Einstein’s entire thesis. Here is not the place to debate the multiple facets of relativity; this smattering of examples, if fully explained would fill volumes.
I am sure we benefit in some way every day from all this. I just have to wonder if Einstien (God rest his soul) is now benefiting from all of this. Not to berate him, it is just that at some point in our life God enters the picture, want him to or not. Very few people lie on their death beds thinking about mass, momentum, and energy. Ironically relatives are probably the thoughts that would be on most peoples’ minds. I am not trying for the cheap laugh. I am especially not out to judge Einstien or to say that he does not believe in God which he apparently does His article appearing in the New York Times Magazine November 9th 1930 on Religion and Science closes with the statement “A contemporary has said, not unjustly, that in this materialistic age of ours the serious scientific workers are the only profoundly religious people.”
I am also not wanting to be completely serious. After all relativity is a theory. Not that it matters. Define relativity….
*From Bertrand Russell’s The ABC of Relativity.