Being right is overrated

Being wrong is much easier. Just ask anyone if you are wrong. Most will agree.

Being right involves defending a position. It can be like a war. It can start a war!
Usually when you are wrong you don’t have to do anything further.

Some might think it is just being lazy to just give up and be wrong.
Maybe they are right! They can have it!
What practical use does being right have anyway?
One might say they are right when they predict an outcome and it comes to pass.
Is this actually a wise use of being right? The outcome could have just as easily not come to pass. Then what?

We don’t have to be right when we are born. We don’t have to be right when we die.
We don’t have to be right in life. We have a tendency to want to be right though, and usually enjoy being right. We can say we prove that we are right. We can demonstrate on paper that we are right. We can through careful experimentation demonstrate that we are right.
Of course a few years later someone will prove our experiments and statements were fatally flawed.

Being right is like wetting your pants in a dark suit. It gives you a warm feeling but nobody notices.

Being wrong won’t get you noticed either but it’s better than wetting your pants!