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Digital Life

Facebook status updates quickly fade into the past. Communication as you know has gotten very fast. We’re constantly in touch with every digital device. Changing fundamentally the way we look at life. Some people find it scary and others find it good. Its implications cannot yet be fully understood. I …


If I refuse to learn from anyone who is not perfect from whom will I learn? Given a healthy brain we all learn from others from the time we are born or even earlier. The prejudices that we develop along the way are learned behaviors. Even behavior proven inherited through …

Secede? No way!

I don’t run away from my problems. I don’t always know how to fix them either. I can’t believe any states even if successful at seceding would be less corrupt than the government we now have. Even if trying to make a point, it can be done without being divisive. …

Veterans Day 2012

November Eleven, June the First Nineteen Fifty Four. Became a day to honor American Veterans of all war. We may not all agree on what it takes to keep the peace. You’re free to vote and disagree so honor them at least. They do the bidding of a president that …


A problem in and of itself is not a bad thing. What makes a problem bad is when anxiety tells us there is no solution. So it is like, me (the one with the problem) telling me (the one with anxiety) that I (me again) have no solution. Nobody wants …

Post election 2012

Millions voted this way, millions voted that, millions didn’t even feel that they should go to bat. No matter if you didn’t, or even went to vote, something we’ve in common, we’re all in the same boat. Some may want to mutiny, some may choose to swim, some may want …