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Beliefs are the beginning of the way we create happiness or unhappiness. External circumstances, internal thoughts, physical processes, and conditions constantly change. Our beliefs are conditioned by a combination of these changes.  Cultivating a compassionate mind and paying attention to our thoughts regularly can help form beliefs that create happiness.


More than words do words express. A meaningful true happiness. Immersed in love. Words are words and by themselves do not make people happy. Words of wisdom are abundant, redundant, even sappy. Still all we know of anything we’ve learned from other beings. Words wisely used with love in mind …

My two cents (again)

My two cents (again): I know that whether I believe in humans punishing humans or not, they surely do. I can’t say that I have the courage to never punish another human being or the courage to not protect myself and my loved ones. I think “ideally” I would like …

WARNING: The meaning of life is user defined!

WARNING: The meaning of life is user defined which may have an effect on other users. The “meaning” is a result. Meaning is a result of a prior action, thought, or both. A “result” comes about by doing something or thinking something. The result that occurs from actions and thoughts …


Forgive might mean, to not get attached to the idea that another person has committed a sin in which they are solely responsible or without any other possible causes. (Could you ever say that their soul is responsible?) The person may have had a bad childhood or may have brain …