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Fiscal Cliff Dec 31rst 2012

The Fiscal Cliff looms up ahead. I don’t care I am not dead. It’s really not that hard to see. The ones that lose are you and me. It’s all of us you understand. When selfishness controls OUR land. The USA in all its glory. Will turn into another story. …

Merry Christmas!

I won’t be political, it wouldn’t be correct. I won’t be spiritual, I guess I’m going to heck. I won’t be funny, because it’s not my way. I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas Day!


I’ve heard the saying: “It’s too late, it’ll take 20 years!” “I’m 50 years old, if I study to be a doctor I’ll be 70 before I graduate.” The answer: “How old will you be in 20 years if you don’t study to be one?” I’m 54 years old, how …

Never give up!

I wrote that I apologized in advance the other day and I would like to explain why. I have friends that say I shouldn’t apologize for my opinions. I have friends who probably rarely agree with me. Some of them probably think I’m nuts. I am quite sure I can …

Defend Yourselves!

I apologize in advance to anyone I offend, though it probably can’t be considered valid since I mean what I say, at least for today. Violence is our schools, in our churches, work places, shopping malls, movie theaters and our homes. We have enemies all over the world and active …


I’ve been thinking about who we are, where we came from, where we are going, etc. We were born, and started forming personalities and opinions based on where we were when. We learn from people around us both consciously and subconsciously. We probably know where we are right now, how …

Rhyme with a Reason

Now that this web stuff works pretty well, I’ve gotta have something to write. I’ve thought, and I’ve thank, and I’ve thunk, and prevailed, but it took me all day and all night. The challenge and draw that’s in it for me, sometimes makes me feel like a jerk. Figuring …