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Precious Life

Some days are wonderful indeed and some are full of pain. Life isn’t always all about what is for us to gain. The good or bad in which we dwell may not be all it’s seeming. Each moment is a special gift that gives it precious meaning. Some will believe …

Memorial Day Poem

To honor those in service to our country I have written. A poem for lives of those we’ve lost in all the wars they’ve been in. The US Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, Coast Guard too. We can never thank enough for all of what they do. So thank a service …

Finding good in others

Find the good in others, it’s sometimes hard to do. Through no small flaw in my own eye, thine others show right through. Their flaws and quirks they harry me; cause me to lose my way. Till good I look for then I’ll find a new friend every day.

We have the choice

Today’s a day that if you will, you’ll bitch and moan and cuss. Tomorrow will we be alive to see what was the fuss? Yesterday’s so far behind and soon will be forgotten. Today right now we have the choice: Be happy or feel rotten!


More than words do words express. A meaningful true happiness. Immersed in love. Words are words and by themselves do not make people happy. Words of wisdom are abundant, redundant, even sappy. Still all we know of anything we’ve learned from other beings. Words wisely used with love in mind …


Pain, boredom, ease, and joy they’re all the same you see. The boredom comes from all the joy, the pain it comes from ease. Life is the point, it’s worth the time, its ups and downs we need. To measure and to change and grow, and for our soul to …