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It is impossible to love others without loving yourself. It is impossible to hurt others without hurting yourself. This may not seem right at first, but cannot be otherwise. All things co-exist and rely on all things for their existence.

Meaning of Love

I think that love can only be unconditional or it is not love. I think that for people TO love is a constant choice that we make, every second of every day. It is the same love that allows life “TO BE”. If love wasn’t unconditional, we wouldn’t have a …


Does God change? What is change? Change is an elusive word as well as a definitive word. I looked up change for the purpose of quoting a source and entering a standard definition. Funny thing!  There are more definitions then I’d like to quote, and more uses of the word …


Consciousness seems to be as we perceive ourselves relatively to other then ourselves. This may include our 5 senses. Our subconsciousness might be a second, an extension of, or underlying consciousness; habitual behaviors/actions grown from our relative experiences, and often guides our consciousness unwittingly thus subconsciousness. An obvious example of …

Unconditional Love

I said previously that I define love and forgiveness as the same thing: To me, unconditional love is forgiveness. I love you not matter what the conditions, I forgive/love you no matter what you have done. I don’t believe that means to allow unacceptable behavior. I think it means just …


I agree with the “Whew” part especially. I would hate to have to translate; “have nothing to do with these people”. I hope it wasn’t translated perfectly into 21st century american. I have a hard time with that taken literally. I am at risk of being accused of watering down …