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Easter 2014

Jesus has a message, people debate what it is. What resonates the most with me is love live and let live. This world is full of people and there is love fear and hate. People murdered Jesus cause they couldn’t tolerate. People also give me whys, quote scripture and all …

The Question

An answer cannot exist without a question. A question can exist without an answer. An answer is temporary. A question is forever. A question makes it possible to love in the presence of hate, or have peace when peace is not possible. A question is what makes all things possible. …

Merry Christmas!

Twas the night before Christmas Eve, it’s my poem. I’m on the computer again in my home. I thank the good Lord for my family and friends. I hope that the season brings joy without end. To everyone out there, hallelujah, Amen.

One hundred

Did you ever think you were going to live to be over one hundred? I always thought I would, until maybe the last few years. I just always expected it. After all, people are living longer than ever. I don’t smoke or drink. “Of course I could” I said. The …