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Flag Day 2014

Fly your flag today. Or burn it if you wish. Change all that it stands for. A point you shouldn’t miss. Many have they died. To keep this country free. Vote the way you will. Believe what you believe. The First Amendment protects. The freedom of your speech. Complacency won’t …


Today’s Friday 13th. Or so goes the old saw. If it weren’t for bad luck. I’d have no luck at all. I had a friend once tell me. To not believe in luck. Instead work toward a goal. To keep from getting stuck. The goal is just a waypoint. The …

D Day June 6th 1944

D-Day, unfathomable to my naive mind. Try to imagine what war is like if you haven’t been involved in one. Hopefully, instead of not wanting to think about it, which would be natural, it will stir a deep compassion for human kind in your heart and what people go through …

When did I get old?

When did I get old? I know I’m not really old, am I? I’m middle aged, that’s what our culture calls it. I’m not sure if that’s good or not. Some people are over 100 years old. Just what does old mean anyway? Google it and you’ll get this: old …


I was transferred from boot camp Cape May to OMSTA Hawaii as a Fireman January 1983. Very soon after arriving there I walked in to the transmitter room when the several ET’s the Chief (XO) and the Warrant (CO) were scrambling because smoke was in the air, alarms were going …

Memorial Day 2014

Memorial Day kicks off the summer season and I’m glad. Veteran’s who have died would not think that that’s all bad. Honor those this day that served and died to keep us free. Be proud of them and wish they were still here with you and me. Think of them …