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Long lasting happiness cannot be expected, but it CAN be accepted and created. Happiness created for others, creates the longest lasting happiness, and often you get more out than you put in. True happiness is created from love; the ultimate energy source.

Perfect Love

Q: Dear Lord, will you please send all people your perfect love? A: I do. Q: Than why do so many people suffer? A: Because, they don’t always see my love. Q: Why don’t you make them see your love? A: Because it would no longer be perfect love. Perfect …


It may be possible to be angry as an expression of love, or at least the “appearance” of being angry. The “appearance” of being angry, may be an expedient way of getting the attention of someone that would not recognize the intention of the “appearance” of love. Very difficult to …

Where did we come from?

Q:  Where did we come from; meaning our life/soul? A:  Something cannot come from nothing. Nothing can come from nothing. So we came from something. Q:  If we came from something, than where did something come from? A:  Not from nothing! Something always comes from something. Q:  So this something: …

Don’t worry

Everything constantly changes and nothing is “just so”. Expectations are certainly an option, but leaning on an expectation is leaning on something that changes. An analogy: As we drive a car fast, things go by fast always changing. It is difficult, if not dangerous to “lean” on the idea that …