Does God change?
What is change?
Change is an elusive word as well as a definitive word.
I looked up change for the purpose of quoting a source and entering a standard definition. Funny thing! There are more definitions then I’d like to quote, and more uses of the word then I’d like to use. I discovered that the one constant about the definition of change, is that it changes within context more then any word I know.
I will use the word “change” in a broad sense.
The God question…….
“Of course God doesn’t change”
“God is the only constant”
“Love is the only constant”
“These things never change”
To me the word change itself is an oxymoron. It implies a state of something being different then what it was before.
Before what?
Before when it wasn’t different?
Before it started changing?
If there is anything out there that hasn’t changed, I want to know what it was like before that!
It’s a slippery slope.
If God always was and always will be, does that mean by default God is never changing?
Lets take the “if” and the “question” out of it.
I have nothing to write about and zero questions if it has to sit like that.
That probably suits many people just fine, but I like to ask questions.
I think change is good and change is bad. If it were always good (or always bad), there would be no change. If there were no change we would be in some sort of frozen state, and never able to move!
Is God in some frozen state?
Is God never able to move?
I promise, I don’t know Gods nature, or any other nature.
I don’t want to say: “God doesn’t change” and that it is a “good thing”.
I also don’t want to say: “God does change” and that it is either “good” or “bad”.
If I am a boat, and God is the stream, it is easier for me to stay with the stream (and keep changing) then to row against the stream, (and also keep changing).
Alright! I’ve had it! Time for a change!!!!!