
Consciousness seems to be as we perceive ourselves relatively to other then ourselves. This may include our 5 senses.

Our subconsciousness might be a second, an extension of, or underlying consciousness; habitual behaviors/actions grown from our relative experiences, and often guides our consciousness unwittingly thus subconsciousness. An obvious example of subconsciousness is an addiction, or another inconsistency, (e.g. say one thing and do another).

When we are relating to our own subconscious, or are aware of it, we are consciously relating to our subconscious whether good or bad. In other words: We realize that the extra helping of chocolate cake is bad for us, but we have it anyway.

Another consciousness that I believe, and to some is a sixth sense, is the consciousness of love. I separate this from ordinary consciousness, because often (too often in my opinion) love is not perceived on the conscious or subconscious level. This may be a result of the conscious relating only to itself (the subconscious) in an endless loop, or at least more often then not!

I believe love is a part of all of creation. I believe all of creation cannot be without the intelligent loving creator. I also believe creator to be part of and inseparable from creation. If an individual can look at their own consciousness relative to the subconscious and love, it may be possible to see oneself as we see others; (on the outside looking in). The love makes it possible to look from the outside seeing others as ourselves with compassion and understanding. This love can allow us to help ourselves and others.