Fear and Love

An analogy attempt: Love may be always in abundance and available for our use similar to an electron.

Unconditional Love is a choice that we make over and over forever. Love not chosen is no longer love. Where did Love come from? If we say that there is no God, or universal love, then Love is a choice. If we say that there is God, or universal Love, than Love is still a choice. Unconditional Love means Love with no conditions. How could forcing someone’s choice be called Love? YOU MUST LOVE OR I’LL KILL YOU!  How is that Love?
I think that fear is a good enough word to be called the opposite of Love. I associate Love with wanting to live. I think Love is why there is life at all! (Our Soul manifested) The word fear can be used to describe “not wanting to lose your life”. I think that this is really Love of life, and not truly fear. I think killing someone because they might kill someone you Love is fear and not Love. We do have a choice and exercise that choice in this world on a regular basis. I think that greed is the fear of not having enough. I think the fear of getting burned or of flying etc. is the Love of our own lives. I think Love and fear exist together because we DO have a choice. So why would we choose Love? Given the choice, I would rather Love.

If there were no choice then we might just have fear, or just have Love.

only this time it comes from a source. All things are interconnected and rely on each other. Even without God all things are interconnected. Ask a physicist. I choose to believe that Love is universal, (sort of like energy) it can neither be created or destroyed.