There shouldn’t be any GAP in our lives between what ought to be and what is.
That “shouldn’t” reflecting the ought to be.
There definitely IS a gap in my life.
It is hard for me to read about what is and what has been, when it involves so much suffering.
If that gap wasn’t there, it wouldn’t cause me suffering.
That, I understand in theory. I have not realized it as “it is” on a constant basis though.
The key being the constant or the now! The choice that we make every second of every inch of the path!
So, planting good seeds, weeding, and proper tending, should continue to stimulate our choice’s in the “ought to be” path direction.
So, if we don’t want to be sad, don’t read sad things?
I’m not wanting to say that, though it might appear that way. What I am saying is that being sad, IS a choice because we have choices. A pin prick causes pain, but there may be no need to dwell on it. An informative read can also cause pain, but the wisdom gained may be well worth it.
(I just started babbling here because you caused me to think)
I ordered the book “used” last night from Amazon. I have found many NA books to be painful, but enlightening. I may not read an entire book at times, before I feel that I have gleaned the desired results from it. Obviously, I might miss something, but each person’s garden requires different amounts of sun, rain, and fertilizer. Too much can be a bad thing.