Jesus questions
If Jesus can do it, can we do it too?
What is a miracle?
Can we literally move a mountain?
Can we literally walk on water?
Can we part the sea?
If Jesus really did these things, than why did he do them?
Was Jesus just a man?
What is “just a man”?
Did God send Jesus as an example?
Was the example that we could do what Jesus did if we have the same faith that Jesus did?
Can we bring back people from the dead?
Can we heal the sick?
Are we just supposed to be good like Jesus, but not be able to perform miracles?
Can we perform miracles?
If we can, then is there really a such thing as a miracle?
Is faith only believing that you can do miracles, or that God or Jesus will?
What is faith?
Is faith just knowing that God will take care of everything?
Why should we have faith?
Should we try to fix things without Gods help?
Should we try to fix things with Gods help?
Stuff I learned recently. (I think)
I am okay with not knowing.
I don’t have to know anything!
I can ask questions without losing my faith.
I should help others and the planet if possible.
I believe Love is limitless.
I believe fear to be what limits me.
I believe anything is possible.
I hope I never stop trying.
Fear IS what limits me.
We are (always) TELLING ourselves “some-thing”. Do not confuse your Soul with fear.
If we analyze what we are thinking at any given moment, we can notice our motivation. Our motivation comes from either our soul or our ego. The universe speaks through our soul. Our ego fears our soul. Ego and fear are the same. The ego is developed in this body, by this body and fears annihilation. The soul is one with all souls/God/universe, does not fear, always was, always will be.
Motivation comes from either the soul or the ego. The ego is developed in this body, by this body, and fears annihilation. The soul is one with all souls/God/universe, does not fear, always was, always will be, and is motivated by Love!