Whenever a person intentionally harms another person, that person justifies the reason for the harm.
Even if the person says that they do not justify it, they still agree with themselves or “justify” not justifying it.
If a person agrees with the “harmer”, then that person probably thinks that the harm is just.
If a person agrees with the harmed person, then that person probably thinks that the harm done was unjust.
Some think that the reason or justification is the important issue, and that if justified the harmer or the harmed should definitely be punished.
Civil laws and societal beliefs revolve around the concept of justification or “justice”.
Voters, lawmakers and judges are constantly grappling with new issues of right and wrong or “justice”.
What makes one person think something is “just” and another think it is “unjust”?
I could say that people have different beliefs or morals and that would be true enough.
I could say it’s the law and be correct.
The point here is that if I put myself in another’s shoes I would find that I was that person and would think like they do.
If I look at a person that I disagree with, as a person that has lived a different set of circumstances then myself and has a different mind then my own, I might not be able to “see” things as they see, but I might be able to understand that others do justify things in their own unique way.
People do live with each other and do have laws to abide by. Still, a deeper understanding of each other is helpful and not only makes another’s world better it improves our own world as well.
Why is understanding needed?
It is desirable if not needed for our very existence. People rely on and need each other.
Why can’t we pick and choose who it is that we need and who it is that we don’t need?
We do!
Therein lies the problem. Who gets to choose? If we get to choose, certainly someone else will “justify” that they should also get to choose. It never stops! Evil dictators love to choose who to get rid of.
So, maybe you want a more limited justification system where only the people that you pick gets punished. Don’t we all? Obviously that is the problem.