My comment to a friends post on war

Like the video, love the VW Beetle. I couldn’t agree more that war is ALWAYS started by the leaders and lost by everyone. It is NEVER right. No matter which leader starts it. Don’t make the mistake of looking at history and justifying today’s war. We cannot change history, why should we continue to follow history’s greatest failures? The problem with using history is that one can search for causes of war in an attempt to justify them and upon careful examination will NEVER find a solitary cause, all causes being fueled by prior causes. There is just no end to it and no sense or point in it. Stopping the war is the ONLY way. Sure there are consequences to stopping war. Don’t let anyone scare you into not stopping war. People often WILL suffer and die as a result of not fighting a war. WHAT IS THE ALTERNATIVE? WAR IS NO ALTERNATIVE.  Hippie drugs are a mistake. Hippie peace is the only way.