The Creator and the Created

The creator creates. All of creation is created by the creator. What does it mean to create? Does it mean create something out of nothing? dictionary definition states:

cre·a·tor   (kr?-?’t?r) n.
One that creates: the creator of a new television series; a born creator of trouble.
Creator God. Used with the.

In the first definition something can be created out of something.
The second definition I am assuming that something is thought to be created by God.

Is there a difference between creator and created? I am sure many different opinions abound. Some will say there is no room for opinion, that there is only fact.

All of these words by definition are created. It is interesting that we humans, being created, (by most accounts in some way) end up wondering the who, what, when, where, why, how, of creation.

I will attempt to analyze the difference between creator and created.

The words have different meanings.
By definition creator is prior to created.
Created exists because of creator.
Creator can exist without created.

Is it possible to exist without being created?
As far as atoms, molecules, and substances go, if we assume that atoms are the basis for all of creation, and assuming that they are the smallest building block, and assuming that they always just were, then we could also assume that the atoms could randomly form molecules, substances and so on, without actually creating.

Ah ha! So random events, are not created?
Okay more questions.
Can a random event create other events?
Obviously random events create other events, even continuously.
So, if this is the case, then why can’t all the events that have ever taken place been created randomly?
Well, random, meaning, accidental or without purpose implies that events are being created randomly. The event is what is being created here. Once the event is created, it might create random, or even very specific or non-random events. These non-random events may branch off and create more random and non-random events.

So, I think I need to get back to the subject of the original creator. Is the original creator the smallest building block?
The age old question, “what created it?” applies.
The question is asked when God is the creator.

Some might wonder if a random event always has to occur before a non-random event can occur.
Some might wonder whether God has always have been and is the original building block and only creator. By many definition’s God is.

If there were at one time, only a creator, whether it be God, or a single atom, that always existed and was never created, then did it multiply itself, and create new created existence?
Did God, or the single atom multiply randomly, or on purpose?

Multiplying implies adding to. Anything added to anything else by definition means inseparable, unless it is taken away, or subtracted from.

Added to might mean being created, and subtracted from might mean un-created.

Maybe all atoms and the absence of all atoms are one in the same. Maybe something and nothing may not be separated from each other save only by word definitions.
Maybe what we refer to as God is all that is something and nothing.
Meaning everything and everything that is not!
If that is the case than all events, random, and non-random, all that is something and nothing, all that is created, and non-created, is inseparable from the creator.

The point is not that we were created randomly or on purpose.
The point is not whether the creator was created or not.
The point is that the created event is always inseparable from the creator.
All events occur inseparable from other events.
We are here!
We are created!
We are creating!
We are inseparable from all created and non-created events, random and non-random.

Being inseparable means that we essentially are what we create, and are continually creating and being created.

Does that mean that we don’t die?
That means that dying is part of the continual creation and creating that is a constant.
It is the part of continual creation and creating that we tend to worry about.
Actually, we tend to worry whenever we feel that the outcome of a creation or event, could be unknown or random. Or what we feel to be a non-random event that in our experience has had an unknown or random outcome.
When we create, we tend to enjoy outcomes based on what we think they ought to be based on past events and creations.

Sometimes surprising outcomes are even more enjoyable!

Does that mean that we shouldn’t worry about dying?
It just means that it wont do any good!!!!
If we were the only creator, or the original creator, than we wouldn’t worry about dying. We would think that we only add to events or create events and therefore cannot die.

Oh! If we are inseparable from the original creator then that means we have been added to the creator, therefore inseparable.

If we can be added to, then we must be able to be subtracted from.

I don’t think it is possible to add to or subtract from anything and everything in a real sense. I believe that everything and nothing is inseparable.

I believe created and creator are one in the same just as everything and nothing are the same thing. Maybe two sides of the same coin.


If all is creator and created, then all has already been and still is.
All that has been and still is has love.
What is love?
Is it a creation?
Isn’t everything a creation?
Isn’t the created and creator the same?
Since created and creator are the same then creation has always been.
Since love is a creation, it has also always been.
So isn’t hate a creation?
Yes. Hate has always been also. Everything has alway been, being inseparable from the creator.
Love is a creation and creator and it has always been.
We like love. We don’t like hate.
Why do we create hate?
We don’t. Hate has always been also.
So does that mean we sometimes have to hate and it is inevitable?
No. We constantly create random and non-random events. We constantly create hate and love. We always have. When I say constantly I mean we create them randomly and non-randomly, on-purpose, and not on-purpose, as much as we create anything else.

Does that mean that it doesn’t matter what we create?
We’ll obviously it does matter. We always make everything matter.
That is the how and why of creation. If it didn’t matter to us we wouldn’t create it.

Why do we create hate then?

Because it matters to us.

Why wouldn’t we create only love?

Because we get so busy creating random and non-random events, that we don’t notice outcomes. We don’t notice how our creations are inseparable from others. In fact we say “ours” and “others” and often believe that we are separable. We are separate, but we are also inseparable.
How can we be separate yet inseparable?
Just look at the evidence!
Did we get here without being created?
In a way, yes.
Are we the creator and created?
Can the created and creator be separate?
Isn’t that what this dialogue is all about?

Again. We like love. Of course we should create love. We love it!

Is forgiveness necessary?
What? Where did forgiveness get into this?
It after all is the subtitle here.
It is the real reason to write this.
It is the only reason to write this.
Forgiveness is the key to all understanding.
Love is the key to all of creation.
Love is the reason we create.
Oh, we might create something to destroy something because we hate it.
But that is because we love to hate it! Really it is true you know.
We love to hate.
Love is what we are doing though.
We create with love.
Love is creation.
We create because we love to create.
We create good and bad.
We create it with love.

Let’s talk about forgiveness.
We have to give before.
Before what?
Creating both good and bad is giving.
Giving can be bad or good?
Creating can be bad or good.
Creating and giving are the same thing.

We create because we love.
We give because we love.
Creating is love.
Giving is love.

It is not possible to love without giving.

Or you could say it is not possible to love without FIRST GIVING!

Does that mean that I should let people treat me badly or hurt people because I should forgive them?

No. Obviously you should protect yourselves and others. You should love yourself and others. It just means that you shouldn’t hold on to the idea that we are not inseparable from others that would do us harm, and should always first-do-no-harm, or love. First give. Forgive.