Time out of Mind
If time actually exists, than where did it go? If time does not exist, than how can a watch keep it? The second hand unwinds….
“Scientific thought is a development of pre-scientific thought.” ~ Albert Einstein.
Is time a force to be manipulated? Is time “just another theory” that is useful to accomplish everyday tasks? Does time actually exist? It is time to explore time.
Well, in the first place, we are exploring time, so (at least in theory) it must be able to stand on its own. Time cannot exist without people. Okay, well at least we invented the word time, but we say the world has been here since the beginning of time. People have not, as far as we know, been here since the beginning of the world.
Can we actually manipulate time? As far as I know, no one has yet, been able to move forward or backward in time. Moving at all is a motion, and a motion is just a word that explains our location in time, relative to another object. Of course all objects (things) are in motion, so we will assume our object at least appears to be standing still. So, standing still is relative to time. It is believed by many scientists that any motion (including molecular motion) can be reversed without apparent consequence.
As Richard Feynman said, “There should be somewhere in the works some kind of a principle that uxles only make wuxles, and never vice versa, and so the world is turning from uxley character to wuxley character all the time¾and this one-way business of the interactions of things should be the thing that makes the whole phenomena of the world seem to go one way. But we have not found this yet.” *
If there is such a thing as time, it manipulates us! So far we have not figured out how to manipulate it (physically speaking).
Theoretically speaking, time makes a very useful tool. We can get up by time, eat by time, get to work on time; we can even set our watches by it! The reason time does not exist is that time goes on forever; it always has been and always will be. It is directly connected to space, which also goes on forever. (How could it end?) If space cannot end, then time cannot end. Time cannot be measured unless there is a limit, i.e., some place in space to measure it against.
Time is a matter of theory; space is nothing, so why write about nothing? There is no such thing as time. Space goes on forever, and motion does not exist.
Time is apparently not of physical matter. God has created a physical world that exists only in time. God has always been and always will be.
*Authors note: Excerpted from The Character of Physical Law by Richard Feynman.