Unconditional Love
I said previously that I define love and forgiveness as the same thing: To me, unconditional love is forgiveness. I love you not matter what the conditions, I forgive/love you no matter what you have done. I don’t believe that means to allow unacceptable behavior. I think it means just to love like God loves, no matter what.
I think God’s love is unconditional. I believe when Jesus was on the cross and ask God to “forgive them, they know not what they are doing”, that he wasn’t trying to convince God to forgive or to love unconditionally. I believe instead that he was trying to be an example to us, and show us how to forgive/love unconditionally.
Obviously some do not believe Gods love is unconditional. I don’t mean to claim that they are wrong. These are my own beliefs at this point in time, and I am thankful.
I would want to ask the question however: How could love be anything but unconditional? What would love be if we put conditions on it? If we could set our own levels of tolerance (love) for every situation where would it lead?