Weirdness, no doubt!

It makes perfect sense to me that a worldly person might believe that they can solve the worlds problems by killing or subduing all of their enemies.
However; it completely baffles me how a spiritual person can believe the same thing.

Weirdness, no doubt! I hope I would never believe any religion or spiritual teaching that thought it wise to harm others for spiritual gain here on earth. I always considered spiritual gain, well; kind of spiritual. “How will it help ourselves and others in the spiritual realm?”  Non-spiritual worldly decisions seem pretty cut and dried: Survival of the fittest, and all of the secular wisdom. Faith would seem to imply, believing, and believing in an afterlife seems to usually mean believing that there are good ways to be and bad ways to be. How could it benefit anyone in any religions afterlife  to kill anyone in this life?

If our short time on earth here is what we fight for, and we believe in eternal life, than it seems kind of foolish.