God, Guns and Automobiles
I’ve owned 6 Toyota’s my apologies to ‘buy America’. I offer no excuse. There were 32,719 automobile deaths, 2013 in the US. Murderers and criminals usually own or steal vehicles to assist them in their work. Cell phones too! I support the not always honest auto industry and Verizon. Sometimes the auto industry is guilty of hiding problems that kill people. An industry is made up of many people and some of them make lousy decisions. I haven’t always been happy with all of the NRA’s decisions but I give them my support and buy from the gun industry who supports them. I doubt many murderers are NRA members unless you think we are all guilty by association with them or even the auto industry. The NRA no doubt is a powerful lobby supported by a vast majority of good people. So is the auto industry. I don’t have a problem if a person is a pacifist and would never harm anyone for any reason. If you prefer to rely only on law enforcement who is only called after a crime that is entirely your business. There are many who ‘support’ guns but want restrictions on ammo capacity, etc. Lately it’s been the vetting of no-fly lists vs gun background checks. If I were at a party with you would you rather me protect you with 15 bullets or 6? The bad guys will have all they please. Maybe you don’t want me to have a gun at all. Give your money to the anti-gun lobby then. Put your money where your mouth is! If you hate the NRA you’d better fight them with your money because I’m fighting back with mine. Vote! That’s how our country works thank the Lord. No hard feelings here toward anyone except criminals.