Life is a lot of fun

Life is a lot of fun. (for me right now)
Nature is so amazing. It has taken billions of years (even more going beyond earth) to create the current incarnation of plants, trees, insects, and animals.
Now for about 40,000 years people have created new things out of nature. We not only create new things at a faster pace then ever but we also think about the fact that we create things, learn from each others creations, and marvel over creations that took countless people many years to reach their current status. Even the most modern scientific genius or engineer cannot create an automobile like the current ones all by themselves. First they would need raw materials (which someone would have to get from many sources). Then they would need tools (that are made by someone else). They would need special knowledge of every detail, and finally they would need the coordination and time to put it all together. All of these things are possible, but even a relatively simple thing like an automobile (compared to say the space shuttle) is not made by just a few people when it gets to all of the details, materials, and the technology, being the result of many years of experimentation even if other forms of transportation hadn’t been invented first.
The “life is a lot of fun” statement comes from the fact that I marvel over man made things and nature from which we began. It is like nature looking at itself in the mirror stating “isn’t this grand”, and also saying “that gives me an idea”.
How cool is that?
Maybe that’s why it is written that God created man in his own image.