
Luxury tends to lead people to complacency.
Necessity tends to lead people to action.
Believe it or not we are a nation of luxury. Even our bums find food in dumpsters and get handouts.
Luxury is not bad, but guarding ourselves against complacency is essential to our survival as a country of luxury.
Countries in the midst of poverty or constant war are not complacent, however complacency may have got them to that point.
Human behavior is mostly environmental with only a relatively few mental disorders being purely genetic.
Whether a nation of luxury or a nation of necessity, people can and do kill people.
When we are in a country of luxury we sometimes justify killing, or we blame it on mental illness.
When we are in a country of necessity we mostly justify killing.
Killing is killing. The problem is we want to justify it. It makes us feel better about it.
If I didn’t make one damn point here, I can only say that I can’t remember even one instance of a mentally diseased kid killing children in a classroom in a country where necessity is the major concern. However, those same countries kill many thousands of children by bombs, guns, and starvation, mostly justified by the ‘side’ they are fighting for. Human nature, whether driven by complacency or action is in the middle of a lot of therapy and the results will either make us better or worse. Time will tell. Changes will come. They always have. They always will.