Luck of the Draw?

I never really thought life was that hard. People do suffer greatly in this world and I’ve been very lucky. I am sorry for people who have difficult lives whether they caused it themselves or because of someone else or some other factor. I’ve heard “you make your own luck” …

Hurricane Arthur

(To the Brady Bunch tune. Sorry if you’re in the path. We potentially are and I like to joke when I’m nervous) I hope all of you stay safe. Here’s the story Of a storm named Arthur Who was blowing wind at all the outer banks Winds clocking just at …

My two cents on the Redskins controversy

We change the meaning of words from time to time, sometimes from a “bad” to a “good” meaning and visa versa. We don’t all change in precise synchronization so some people stress out. Change is the one inevitable and ironically one of the biggest stressors. I like change to be …

A lesson in politics

A lesson in politics from the Music Man: Professor Harold Hill: “my next step will be to get your town out of the serious trouble it’s in.” Marcellus: “River City isn’t in any trouble.” Professor Hill: “Then I’ll have to create some.”

Flag Day 2014

Fly your flag today. Or burn it if you wish. Change all that it stands for. A point you shouldn’t miss. Many have they died. To keep this country free. Vote the way you will. Believe what you believe. The First Amendment protects. The freedom of your speech. Complacency won’t …


Today’s Friday 13th. Or so goes the old saw. If it weren’t for bad luck. I’d have no luck at all. I had a friend once tell me. To not believe in luck. Instead work toward a goal. To keep from getting stuck. The goal is just a waypoint. The …