
I’ve been thinking about who we are, where we came from, where we are going, etc.
We were born, and started forming personalities and opinions based on where we were when. We learn from people around us both consciously and subconsciously.
We probably know where we are right now, how we think, have goals for the future, and maybe even have an active plan for reaching those goals.
We have ideas about other people, and whether we like or dislike them. We might love them, and then hate them. We might get mad at them sometimes. We may form an opinion of them based on very limited ideas, on past experience, or we may form a new opinion melding old ideas with our current experience.
Our emotions seem to be based on our conscience, sub-conscience, accumulated ideas, and formations of our life experiences.
Even our physical appearance plays into our conscience, and sub-conscience, again based on the aggregate of what our brain has stored and how we process it.
If anyone reads this far, I hope they are not expecting a ‘point’, or some kind of ‘truth’.
For all I know, life is an illusion and I am sitting on a cloud in the sky instead of my easy chair.
All kidding aside, just the thought that our brains absorb a myriad of information, and process that information in a myriad of ways, it is no wonder there are so many different ways of thinking, and it is no wonder why people act so differently, and even why we love, hate, become disappointed, or even neutral.
People will say that they ‘know’. They will justify anything they want to in their own mind. They will try to convince others that they ‘know’.
I do like the word love. Even though love has many different meanings for people, it allows more flexibility than most words, and mostly helps, encourages, and spreads goodwill among people, and sometimes all living things.
The complex language prevalent in todays world, is one of those double (or multi) edged swords.
Words, expand our communication skills, which in turn expand our inventiveness and innovation. We get better health care, more convenient living conditions, and loads of entertainment to fill the gap left by less people physically laboring long hours, like they used to hundreds of years ago.
This “multi edged sword” also causes us much grief.
If we are able to accept the premise that our own ideas (or facts as we may call them) are important to us and maybe others, that others have possibly developed their own facts and ideas in very different ways, we may develop another idea, that it is possible for us to be wrong. At the very least we may be able to see how others can be just as sure of their own beliefs.
We ‘know’ about as much as to how and why our minds work as we know about how the entire universe works.
My goal is, (quoting myself in another article) “to plant flowers, rather than thorns”.
Why not? No matter a persons belief, non-belief, religion, race, or creed, it seems to me, “planting flowers instead of thorns” would benefit themselves, others, the people that remain here after we are gone, and future generations.
Okay, so I did have a point I wanted to make. Who doesn’t?

P.S. An illusion is something that only seems real. It would seem with our limited senses and the sometimes very different conclusions people reach even when raised in very similar circumstances that we don’t all ‘see’ things or a reality in the same way. I can see why some would say that life is an illusion just based on our different perceptions of it.