
I don’t need a reason to write a little rhyme.
I haven’t thought of any in quite a little time.

Inspiration lately’s not been a friend to me.
It’s not that I don’t read, I rarely watch TV.

FaceBook inundates us with ads designed to conquer.
Desires of most every kind from every kind of sponsor.

They dredged my brothers birthday up from two whole years ago.
Their algorithms lack in logic and I’ll tell them so.

FaceBook friends inspire me, from them I always glean.
Anything from politics to jokes about caffeine.

No need to read the paper or watch the evening news.
The internet has tons of stories over which to muse.

It gives so many of us an outlet for opinion.
Televisions finally lost its unchallenged dominion.

It’s cool I get to write stuff and publish instantly.
Even if it’s never read the likes are fun to see.
