I Love Our Country

usaI love our country. I love my life here. No people in the world are perfect. Many studies tie economic opportunity to crime and inadequate education. Democracy is a double edged sword that can accelerate prosperity but also greed and poverty. Any economic system is subject to the faults of greed, poverty and crime. Our own democracy is on the negative edge of the double sword in several ways. The positive side is there are many prosperous individuals. The negative side is it’s easy to take for granted the positives and become complacent, lock our doors, and avoid being part of the solution. It is so much easier to just enjoy life if we are doing well. We can become desensitized or even numb to the daily news. It also doesn’t help that it is difficult to trust our politicians and news sources. To make any economic system work people have often had to step outside their comfort zone to make decisions even without knowing if that decision is 100% correct. Every person who has a right to vote can make a positive difference in a democracy. It is easier to say, “It’ll never work” or “my vote doesn’t count”. People have been changing the world the way they’ve wanted since the beginning of time. The people who try to change things are the only ones who ever have a chance of succeeding. The ones who sit back and refuse to get involved will get their way by pure luck if at all. You may disagree. You may be involved and frustrated, or you may keep trying and never give up. My nature is to be competitive. I enjoy the games I enjoy for the game. I don’t have to win to enjoy the games I play. If you are mostly content with our country I don’t understand you but I won’t trivialize you. I see a lot of room for improvement in the area of education, crime, and the need for economic improvement. Being competitive I enjoy the debate, write my congressman and vote. I want my candidate to win. If it doesn’t happen I try harder to improve my game. That’s just me. 🙂