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I’m inspired by lots of things. But starting to feel ancient. Modern TV is not the same. Not much of it is decent. Technology is kind of cool. Though I’m falling way behind. Add on those things I used to do. And I haven’t any time. Lot’s of toys are …

Laughing in the real world

I try to watch Hee Haw, the longest running politically incorrect show every week because it makes me laugh. Its sexist, fat, and hillbilly/city-slicker jokes combined with old country music can insult just about anyone. In the government environment I retired from people still laughed. Some were nervous laughs felt …

For the journalist in you

Journalism is a powerful form of communication affecting everything from casual conversation to social media and politics. Lies become truth to some people with disastrous results. Dutifully investigated truthful journalism has the potential to improve and solve many of the world’s problems. Informed people are willing to invest in children …

Monetary value and taxes

The monetary value of something is the amount of money it is sold for or can potentially be sold for. It is not the cost of materials, labor, research, overhead, etc., though those things and many more may affect the value of goods or services. The amount of money a …


I don’t need a reason to write a little rhyme. I haven’t thought of any in quite a little time. Inspiration lately’s not been a friend to me. It’s not that I don’t read, I rarely watch TV. FaceBook inundates us with ads designed to conquer. Desires of most every …