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Maybe one person’s life

My guardian angel has the name of Serendipity. I don’t know if my angel even is a he or she. I am glad I have an angel watching over me. You may not think an angel’s really watching over you. I don’t know how it works but I do know …

Bias and Opinion

“Money is the root of all evil”. That’s a start, but any situation starts with a “root” cause. Opinion, bias, and fact, (Facts also fall into the categories of opinion and bias) make up our written history since history has been written, and is being written. It is our way. …

Love Thy Neighbor

Hold on tight to those you love with all the love you’ve got. Life’s far too short to take for granted those with whom you’ve fought. Even those who’ve fought in war and did not meet their end. My Uncle’s Normandy reunion made him a German friend. They had fought …

Don’t forget the flowers!

I scan the news everyday and it can be disconcerting. War, violence, shaky stock markets, job losses, political fights, lawsuits, virus scares, disease, new studies that refute the old ones, disaster predictions, you name it! My favorite team or person might win, jobs added, promising cures, somebody does something good …